Luck changes like the tides…

So Saturday I had a return client from last year and I knew they looked familiar but couldn’t figure it out until he told me well this family is awesome and fun. The fishing was a little off but it was good we caught a nice set of fish and had more fun then last time I would say. The youngest one of course caught the most fish again and it was so cool when the boy would catch a fish he would say my luck is with me and when he would loose a small fish or his bait he scream where did my luck go ugh it changed on me. lol I love having kids on my boat they bring a great attitude on board and smiles. The other two boys caught some nice fish and one caught the biggest black drum. Their mom caught the first drum she was in the lead and then the dad caught one just under then I decided to throw a line and caught a nice 22″ which put me in first lol then one of the boys caught a nice one at 23″ to take the lead then the fishing slowed down mostly crocker so we moved to a couple other spots and surprisingly no red fish one this run which means time to look for them again. I cant wait to take them out again it always is fun and as always looking forward to the next trip.

Caught 40+
Keepers 28
​lost 2

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